Thursday, November 28, 2013

what is a frog

What is a Frog?

There are around 3,900 species of tailless amphibians, or Anura, also called Salientia, including the frog and toad.
crawling frog


Frogs are members of the zoological class called Amphibia.
Amphibians are cold-blooded (or poikilothermic) vertebrate animals. They differ from reptiles in that they lack scales and generally return to water to breed.
They are one of three types of Amphibians. Anura, also called Salientia, (frogs and toads), caudate (salamanders and newts) and caecilians (worm-like amphibians).

Herps and Herpetology

Amphibians together with reptiles make up a larger group called Herps. The study of reptiles and amphibians is called Herpetology. Herp comes from the Greek word herpeton, which basically means "creepy crawly things that move about on their bellies."
A herptile is an individual herp. A person who keeps and breeds herps is called a herpetoculturist and the hobby is called herpetoculture.

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